
Magic mushrooms or Psilocybe are fungi producing the psychotropic compounds psilocybin and psilocin.

Research shows that psilocybin is as effective as traditional antidepressants in mood regulation. In addition it works without negative impact in cognitive function or addictive properties.

Medical or Recreational?

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic substance people ingest from certain types of mushroom that grow in regions of Europe, South America, Mexico, and the United States.

Individuals use psilocybin as a recreational drug. It provides feelings of euphoria and sensory distortion that are common to hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD.

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen that works by activating serotonin receptors, most often in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain affects mood, cognition, and perception.

Hallucinogens work in other regions of the brain that regulate arousal and panic responses. Psilocybin does not always cause active visual or auditory hallucinations. Instead, it distorts how some people that use the drug perceive objects and people already in their environment.

Fast facts on psilocybin

  • Psilocybin has both positive and negative physical and psychological effects.
  • Psilocybin is not naturally addictive.
  • The drug can trigger psychotic episodes.

Mushrooms containing psilocybin are small and usually brown or tan. In the wild, people often mistake mushrooms containing psilocybin for any number of other mushrooms that are poisonous.

People usually consume psilocybin as a brewed tea or prepare it with a food item to mask its bitter taste. Manufacturers also crush dried mushrooms into a powder and prepare them in capsule form. Some people who consume these mushrooms cover them with chocolate.

The potency of magic mushroom depends on 

* the species
* origin
* growing conditions
* harvest period
* whether a person eats them fresh or dried

The amount of active ingredients in dried magic mushrooms is about 10 times higher than the amount found in their fresh counterparts.

When people use psilocybin, it is usually at dance clubs or in select groups of people seeking a transcendent spiritual experience.

Street names for psilocybin mushrooms

Drug dealers rarely sell psilocybin under its real name. Instead, the drug may be sold as:

* magic mushrooms
* shrooms
* boomers
* zoomers
* mushies
* simple Simon
* little smoke
* sacred mushrooms
* purple passion
* mushroom soup
* cubes