The Golden Teacher

"Grow The Mushroom Behind the Magic"

Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Grow Kit

Golden Teacher mushrooms have a distinct appearance, with long, winding stems and wide caps. They are a favorite among growers for being relatively easy to maintain and cultivate with a 100% mycelium grow kit. Some believe a specimen of the Golden Teacher was found growing wild in Florida, appearing first during the mid 1980’s.

Because this growing kit includes the mycelium and a grow box, it makes the growing process very easy and straightforward it already include everything you need, and you can grow without spores. Buy Golden Teacher.

Golden Teacher mycelium magic mushroom grow kit

Grow psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher

  • Quick Start: No need to soak the grow kit in water for the first flush, you can start growing immediately. Simply follow the instructions and you'll be rewarded with a great yield.
  • Content: The pure mycelium grow kit has everything you need to grow your own magic mushrooms. The pack contains, besides the container, one grow bag with air holes, two paper clips and detailed instructions.
  • Ingredients: 100% mycelium from the Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher.
  • Active Substance: Due to the quality of the kit, the active substance content is considerably higher than that of traditional grow kits.

Golden Teacher Trips

Golden Teachers have mild potency and a variety of psychedelic effects. These include visual distortions, enhanced colors, lightness or giddiness, and strong emotions. People also report feeling euphoric, spiritually in-tune, and perceptive when consuming Golden Teacher mushrooms.

A Golden Teacher dosage, like most other psilocybin mushrooms, would start at around two or tree grams dried. That's 20 or 30 grams fresh picked mushrooms. Two grams should be enough for most people to feel some effects, but nothing overpowering. A higher dosage would begin with three or more grams, and exceeding five grams should be plenty to experience the Golden Teacher impact. They can take effect in as quickly as 20 minutes, and the trippy experience usually lasts for four to six hours.

Ways to Consume Golden Teacher

  • Chew And Swallow: Chew them thoroughly, to allow all the juices to come out. More or less 30 minutes to start working, depending on the stomach content. The less you eat before, the better. It is advised to avoid food for a few hours.
  • Make A Cup Of Tea:Taking mushrooms in a form of a tea will mild the specific taste. Chop or crush the mushrooms. Place them into the teapot. When the water has boiled, pour it over the mushrooms in the teapot. Let them soak for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain, serve and customize. No sugar!
  • Psilocybin Edibles: Incorporating it into food will assist with both the taste and the feeling of restlessness that some users suffer.Avoid adding the mushrooms during any cooking stage, never boil them! Baking mushrooms on top of a pizza, for example, would result in an deficient tripping experience. Instead, try adding them to sauces or toppings after the cooking stage.
  • Magic Mushroom Capsules: Capsules offer users the option to start microdosing their magic mushrooms. Experience ultimate clarity without losing an entire day. Using empty capsules, dried mushrooms and a grinder, you can make your very own magic mushroom capsules!
  • Lemon Tek: Not only is it quick and easy to take, but users claim the acidic nature of the lemon breaks down the psilocybin, intensifying the subsequent trip. Recommend starting with half the amount of shrooms you would normally. Ground magic mushrooms meet lemon juice in a short glass of your choice. Leave it to sit, add water, and down in one go.